Welcome to my website! Here I talk about my engineering projects and other topics like technology, carpentry and books. To reach me, don’t hesitate to reach out at [email protected].
Who am I? #
I am a third year mechatronics engineering student at Queen’s University. I chose mechatronics engineering because of the depth of opportunity for creativity and learning it has. Outside of my design projects I love weightlifting, the summer, carpentry, music (indie rock is my favorite) and reading. Right now I am reading A Brief History of Intelligence by Max Bennett.
Gallery #
Here is my life in photos:
I have played hockey since I was four. I loved it so much back then that I used to wear a helmet in public, much to my parents’ horror. Sorry Mom and Dad.
My friend Griff and I! Griff is my families’ 7-year old Boston Terrier. He loves cheese.
Surfing (behind a boat)
I used to work as a carpenter’s assistant for a summer. Mixing concrete gets messy…
Why a Website? #
I see this website as an opportunity for me to document my life as a student and person. I am hoping to look back when I am older and appreciate how much progress I have made! It also allows me to connect with other people with shared interests. Last, it feels nice to share projects and ideas that I am proud of!